Swedish is quite similar to Danish and Norwegian, other North Germanic languages. There are no less than 9 million speakers of Swedish. Swedish is Sweden’s national language, as well as one of Finland’s two national languages.

Swedish uses the Latin alphabet and å, ä, ö. In history, the Swedish alphabet also used þ, æ, ø. Let’s learn a few easy helpful Swedish Greetings and useful words and phases.


Swedish Greetings

Hello: Hej.

Goodbye: Adjö/Hej då.

Yes: Ja.

No: Nej.

Please: Snälla/Vänligen.

Thank you: Tack.

That’s fine: Det är bra.

You are welcome: Varsågod

Excuse me (sorry): Ursäkta mig/Förlåt

Do you speak English?: Talar du engelska?

I don’t understand: Jog förstår inte.

How much is it?: Hur mycket kostar den?

What’s your name?: Vad heter du?

My name is …: Jag heter …


Swedish Small Talk
Where is the …?: Var finns …?

Bus stop: Busshållplatsen

Train station: Tågstationen

Tramstop: Spårvagnshållplatsen

What time does the …leave/arrive?: Nar avgar/kommer?

Boat: Båten

Bus (city): Bussen

Tram: Spårvagnen

Train: Tåget


Swedish Signs

Entrance: Ingång

Exit: Utgång

No vacancies: Fullt

Information: Information

Open: öppen

Closed: Stängd

Police station: Polisstation

Rooms available: Lediga rum

Toilets: Toalett

Men: Herrar

Women: Damer


Around town

Bank: Bank

City centre: Centrum

… Embassy: … Ambassaden

My hotel: Mitt hotell

Market: Marknaden

Newsagency: Nyhetsbyrå

Post office: Postkontoret

Public telephone: Offentlig telefon

Public toilet: Offentlig toalett

Tourist office: Turistinformation

What time does it open/close?: När öppnar/stänger de?

(strong) beer: Starköl


Swedish Times & Dates

What time is it?: Vad ar klockan?

Today: idag

Tomorrow: imorgon

Yesterday: igår

Morning: morgonen

Afternoon: eftermiddagen

Night: natt

Monday: måndag

Tuesday: tisdag

Wednesday: onsdag

Thursday: torsdag

Friday: fredag

Saturday: lördag

Sunday: söndag


Swedish Numbers

Zero: Noll

One: Ett

Two: Två

Three: Tre

Four: Fyra

Five: Fem

Six: Sex

Seven: Sju

Eight: åtta

Nine: Nio

Ten: Tio

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